Getting to Cuajiniquil from La Cruz
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La Cruz - Cuajiniquil bus leaves from the La Cruz bus station, 500 m North of the La Cruz school. To drive to Cuajiniquil takes approximately 30 min.

La Cruz - Cuajiniquil Bus Schedule
Departs La Cruz
Departs Cuajiniquil
12:20 p.m
8:00 a.m.
Trip distance: 30 km,
Trip time: 45 min.,
Cost:¢650 (costs vary).
La Cruz -San Jose bus. You can also get to Cuaniquil using La Cruz - San Jose Bus, La Cruz Bus stops at the entrance to Cuajiniquil in time to take Liberia-Cuajiniquil bus into Cuajiniquil.
La Cruz - San Jose Bus Schedule
Departs La Cruz
Arrives Cuajiniquil entrance approx.
11:20 p.m
8:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.  4:20 p.m. (in time to take Liberia-Cuajiniquil bus into Cuajiniquil)



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